No Pain, No Gain

Make the hurt feel good


  • You may take one of these rides per week for extra, extra credit points. Each may only be ridden once. I may arbitrarily decide to change the rides from time to time, so you must check each week to see which rides are available to you

  • You MUST listen to the soundtrack for the ride. You MAY NOT use your own soundtrack

  • To ensure honesty with the above rule, you are obligated to receive a phone/video call on your phone/peloton/facebook messenger if someone tries to reach you during the ride to confirm that you are in fact listening to the awfulness. If they catch you cheating, they can steal your points by ratting you out to an admin. If someone attempts to reach you on one of these rides and you do not answer, they can contact admins and steal your points, so it is the same as being caught if you don't answer.

  • If you video chat someone and confirm that they ARE listening to the awfulness, you will get 1 bonus point.